Your house needs to have a good, strong foundation in order to make sure that it stays standing. That means that if you are concerned about your foundation, you need to make sure that someone comes out to your house as soon as possible to handle any problems and begin foundation repair. That also means that you should be familiar with some of the signs that there are problems with your foundation.

Doors Won't Stay Open

You might not think that having doors that close on their own is a sign that your foundation is having problems, but it really is. That's because your foundation helps to keep your house level and plumb. If the house falls out of true, then the doors aren't going to hang correctly, and then they are going to start to close on their own, or the opposite, have problems staying closed. Because the door frames depend on the floor and the wall having a perfect 90° degree angle, any problems with the foundation will affect that angle. 

There's Water in Your Cellar

Another sign that you may have problems with your foundation is that you are getting water in your crawl space or cellar. This is a sign because it could show that your foundation has started to settle. As the foundation settles, it can do things like create cracks. Even a small crack can start to let water in. As the water starts to seep into those small cracks in your foundation and into your cellar or crawl space, the cracks will start to get worse. As those cracks get worse, it will continue to cause problems with your foundation and make any settling even worse, which will then make the water in your basement issue even worse. It turns into a vicious cycle.

You can't necessarily see those small cracks with your naked eye, and they may not be on the inside of the wall, so it will take work for you to find the cracks. The water also won't be pouring into the basement, usually, so it can be really hard for you to pinpoint an exact area where the crack is. 

If you are worried about your foundation, then you need to have a contractor come in and inspect for you. They may need to do something like jack up your slab or patch the cracks in your concrete, which will keep it from failing. 
