Are you working on a project at your home or business that requires a lot of concrete? If so, you'll want to hire a concrete delivery service to help you out, since it is just not practical to mix the concrete yourself with bags from the local home improvement store. Here are a few questions you likely have about concrete delivery.

How Much Concrete Will You Be Charged For?

It can be hard to estimate how much concrete you actually need for a job. While you can give the concrete delivery company your best guess by calculating the total cubic feet of concrete, your final bill will be based on what is poured. This can give you peace of mind that you are only paying for what you need, which will make the concrete for your project as affordable as possible.

However, you will want to make sure that the concrete you need falls within the minimum delivery amount. Depending on what that minimum is, it still may be worth paying for more concrete than what you use just to have it premixed and delivered to the site of your project. 

How Much Lead Time Is Necessary For Concrete Delivery?

It is always worth calling ahead to find out what lead time you need for concrete delivery. The process of delivering concrete requires a specialized truck, which means that you need to schedule when the delivery will happen. 

One thing that you must factor in is the weather on the day that your concrete will be delivered. Concrete is not going to set if the temperature outside is too cold, which can make it difficult to plan a delivery far in advance. Know that you may need to work with the concrete delivery company to change the date of delivery if there is a sudden change in weather.

Does The Concrete Come With A Warranty?

It's always worth asking about what kind of warranty is provided with the concrete that is delivered to your home. Many concrete delivery companies will give you protection from defects with the concrete that end up causing cracks and scaling, and that warranty will only apply for a specific period of time. With there being so many factors related to concrete properly curing, make sure that you fully understand the terms and conditions that come with a warranty. 

Reach out to a concrete delivery company if you have more questions about their services. 
